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发表于: 2006-11-29 23:23 11544人阅读 44人回复 只看楼主 | 倒序阅读 | 精简版




级别: 北海土著


推荐各位一本不错的法律英语教材:《美国法律与法律体系》(American Law and Legal Systems),高等教育出版社引进。美国人写的美国法律。全英文。
15楼 2006-12-02 22:52
sunbird 离线

级别: 北海土著


"Self-defense is available authority for citizen as a defense to crimes committed by use of force. A citizen may use such force as is reasonable in the circumstances in the prevention of crime, self defence, defence of others, or in effecting or assisting in the lawful arrest of offenders or suspected offenders or of persons unlawfully at large. The Amended Criminal Law (year?) sets the subjects of self-defense as arbitrary interference with the public and the state’s interests, endowing and delegating citizen to appropriately use self defense upon threaten to construction of socialism spirit civilization as well as other offences against citizen’s authorized interests. "
16楼 2006-12-03 03:49
lateblue 离线

级别: 北海市民


Although attorneys still do not pay very well in China, someone with a law degree and a good command of English, French and Italian must be in high demand. Forget about translation business, and look for a position in a multinational corporation instead! At least you can get a good position in an export oriented big company.

原帖由 北海街废柴 于 2006-12-2 15:37 发表

17楼 2006-12-03 08:50
Raindrops 离线

级别: 刚到北海


18楼 2006-12-03 09:49

级别: 北海土著


Be professional, ladies and gentlemen!
19楼 2006-12-03 23:04

级别: 北海土著


原帖由 lateblue 于 2006-12-3 08:50 发表
Although attorneys still do not pay very well in China, someone with a law degree and a good command of English, French and Italian must be in high demand. Forget about translation business, and lo ...

Thank you for your advice. It's really very kind of you.
20楼 2006-12-03 23:11
lateblue 离线

级别: 北海市民


原帖由 北海街废柴 于 2006-12-3 23:11 发表

Thank you for your advice. It's really very kind of you.

Il n'y a pas de quoi, Monsieur.
21楼 2006-12-04 02:56

级别: 北海土著


原帖由 lateblue 于 2006-12-4 02:56 发表

Il n'y a pas de quoi, Monsieur.

22楼 2006-12-04 11:57
火箭粉丝 离线

级别: 刚到北海


Self-defense is an important right granted to citizens under the law.encourage criminal acts and the protection of citizens with an important means to fight for the protection of national,public interest and the legitimate rights and interests of citizens, deter criminals, and crime prevention, is of positive significance and role.The new Penal more specific object is the protection of the legitimate defense of "national""public interest" from criminal elements violated.With the enthusiasm of the broad masses of citizens from criminal acts to fight the initiative and awareness of the law of self-defense is the right of every citizen.Citizens is a moral obligation.Correct implementation of self-defense is not only conducive to the suppression and prevention of illegal encroachment and safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests, but also help promote righteousness,promote the construction of socialist spiritual civilization.Key words : self-defense. Defense system. Unlimited Defense. Fighting each other. Carry weapons. Provoke. Boundless

Zu einigen Punkten von Self-defense ist Self-defensezusammenfassung eines Hauptzivilrechtgesetzes, regt kriminelle Taten und der Schutz der Bürger mit wichtige Mittel, für den Schutz des nationalen, allgemeinen Interesses und der berechtigten Rechte und der Interessen der Bürger zu kämpfen, abhalten Verbrecher an, und Verbrechenverhinderung, ist von der positiven Bedeutung und von der Rolle. Der neue Strafspezifischere Gegenstand ist der Schutz der gesetzmaßigen Verteidigung „nationales "" des allgemeinen Interesses“ vor den kriminellen verletzten Elementen. Mit der Begeisterung der ausgedehnten Massen der Bürger von den kriminellen Taten, die Initiative und das Bewußtsein des Gesetzes von Self-defense ist zu kämpfen das Recht jedes Bürgers. Bürger ist eine moralische Verpflichtung. Korrekte Implementierung von Self-defense ist zum Ausgleich und zur Verhinderung des ungültigen Eingriffs und des Schützens der berechtigten Rechte und der Interessen nicht nur förderlich, aber hilft auch, righteousness zu fördern, fördern den Aufbau der sozialistischen geistigen Zivilisation. Schlüsselwörter: Self-defense. Verteidigungssystem. Unbegrenzte Verteidigung. Kämpfen. Waffen tragen. Erregen. Grenzenlos

على عدة قضايا الدفاع عن النفس هو الدفاع عن النفس ملخص كبير الحقوق المدنيه وقانون تشجيع الاعمال الاجراميه وحمايه المواطنين وسيلة هامة للنضال من اجل الحمايه الوطنية والمصلحه العامة والحقوق والمصالح المشروعة للمواطنينردع المجرمين ومنع الجريمةله مدلول ايجابي وrole.the قانون جديد اكثر تحديدا الهدف هو حمايه الدفاعيه المشروعة "الوطنية" و "المصلحه العامة" من العناصر الاجراميه violated.with حماس الجماهير العريضه من المواطنين من الاعمال الاجراميه التي تقاتل المبادرة والوعي من قانون الدفاع عن النفس هو حق لكل citizen.citizens هو اخلاقي obligation.correct تطبيق الدفاع عن النفس لا يؤدي الى قمع ومنع انتهاك الشرعية وحمايه الحقوق والمصالح المشروعةبل يساعد ايضا فى تعزيز الاستقامه ، وتعزيز بناء الاشتراكيه الروحيه civilization.key عبارة عن النفس.نظام الدفاع.غير محدود فيها.يقاتلون بعضهم بعضا.حمل الاسلحة.اثارة.لا حد له
23楼 2006-12-05 14:04

级别: 北海土著


24楼 2006-12-05 14:10

级别: 北海土著


再推荐一本法律英语教材:刑法(Criminal Law),麦克米伦法学精要丛书·影印版,法律出版社。

25楼 2006-12-05 14:25

级别: 北海土著


提醒诸位,法律翻译注重的是专业术语和风格的准确性和正确性,最忌生搬硬套,法律英语中是没有“防卫制度”这个说法的,Defense system指的是国防系统,比如导弹防御系统,星球大战之类。



There are four main requirements that need to be proved if either defence is to be available:

-The defendant must respond to an unjustified threat to the defendant or her property or someone else

-The force used by the defendant was necessary to avoid the threat

-The force used by the defendant was proportionate

-The defendant acted in order to defend herself or someone else and not for some other reason.
26楼 2006-12-05 15:00
fornothing 离线

级别: 北海新人


Consideration is a central concept in the common law of contracts. Under classical contract theory, consideration is required for a contract to be enforceable.

Anything of value given by one party to induce another to enter into a contract. It may be money, personal services or even "love and affection."

A legal right or promise exchanged for the act, promise, or property of another person. For example, in a contract for the purchase of a piece of property, the property itself and the money paid (or promised to be paid) are the considerations made by the property seller and the new property owner, respectively.

The required element in all contracts by which a legal right or promise is exchanged for the act or promise of another person.

One of the elements that make up an insurance contract, consideration is the offer made by the insurance company to the insured for payment of the premium and the statements made by the prospective policyholder on their application.

Anything of value given to induce another to enter into a contract. Earnest money deposit on a sales contract is consideration.

The price or subject matter, which induces a contract; may be in money, commodity, exchange, or a transfer of personal effort.

The value, asset, service, information etc. which is offered to another party in a contract in exchange for that party's agreeing to enter the contract. A contract is not binding if each party does not offer at least some consideration to the other party(ies).

The 'price' in a contract for the other party's promise. The 'price' may be a promise or an act (eg promise of payment). A party can only sue on a promise if he has given consideration (something) in return for the promise.

Consideration is anything of value that changes hands between the two parties of contract. Although we usually think of consideration as an exchange of money and goods (or services), consideration may take other forms as well. For example, the waiver of a legal right has been found to be adequate consideration.

Something of value given by a promisee to a promisor to make the promise binding.

A legal right or promise exchanged for the act, promise, or property of another person. For example, in a contract for the purchase of a piece of property, the property itself and the money paid (or promised to be paid) are the considerations made by the property seller and the new property owner, respectively.

27楼 2006-12-05 15:09

级别: 北海土著


28楼 2006-12-05 15:20
lateblue 离线

级别: 北海市民


原帖由 火箭粉丝 于 2006-12-5 14:04 发表
Self-defense is an important right granted to citizens under the law.encourage criminal acts and the protection of citizens with an important means to fight for the protection of national,public in ...

I can see message 24 indeed used very authentic English legal vocabulary (other than the keywords). It also spelt "defense" correctly! There are quite a few grammatical problems, and numerous careless mistakes. Also, keywords must be nouns, not verbs or adjectives. Typically, the publisher or the professional organization maintains a list of acceptable keywords. On the other hand, this appears to be submitted to a Chinese journal that requires an English abstract, and they are probably not too picky about keywords. Anyway, a little bit of additional work can turn this piece into a good translation.
ocherry16 威望 +10 2006-12-06 我很赞同
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29楼 2006-12-05 23:23

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