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发表于: 2008-10-18 06:30 2146人阅读 1人回复 只看楼主 | 倒序阅读 | 精简版



surething 离线

级别: 老北海


分享到搜狐微博 分享到网易微博 分享到豆瓣网 人人网一键分享 分享到QQ空间 新浪微博一键分享 分享到:
Jun 3, the China Banking Regulatory Commission stopped all FX Margin peremptorily and stopped trading in dead line. The CBRC officer said FX Margin is too inhumanly, most of investors lost everything. In my opinion, it’s impossible that the government takes pity on people’s money.
Truth is that the rest of position including long and short doesn’t be hedged in international foreign exchange market, therefore, the bank accumulated a huge risk. For the risk under controlled, the CBRC stopped everything.
Two interesting things I have to point out.
1, the FX Margin market’s liquidity in china is unlimited, because trading orders are accepted unlimited by bank.
2, in china, whatever the trading is huge, international market couldn’t be affected.
Base on the two points, the smart money could attack China’s financial system and get huge money from China by using FX Margin
主楼 2008-10-18 06:30
sunbird 离线

级别: 北海土著


Jun 3rd, 2008, the China Banking Regulatory Commission (CBRC) permanently postpone all FX Margin related trading and its clearance. One CBRC officer said FX Margin trade is too risky and caused lose for most investors.

In my opinion, however, rather than to release risk for individual investor in FX Margin market, this CBRC’s policy is tend to control potentially huge risk accumulated by some Chinese banks in the past (x month). Since neither long nor short positions through local Chinese bank system have not been hedged in international foreign exchange market, consequently, FX Margin trading without order/position limitation exposes the China’s financial system to potentially huge lose, if attacked by international hot money.
沙发 2008-10-18 10:54

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