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发表于: 2008-06-08 02:29 2970人阅读 6人回复 只看楼主 | 正序阅读 | 精简版



sunbird 离线

级别: 北海土著


分享到搜狐微博 分享到网易微博 分享到豆瓣网 人人网一键分享 分享到QQ空间 新浪微博一键分享 分享到:
Dearest XXX

To me you are the perfect woman, beautiful , smart, thoughtful, loving, hot,sexy, amazingly hard working...

It actually Thrills me to be learning about all the wonderful things that you are... I want you to have everything in your heart and your mind and your soul to come alive for you, and be brought into this real world we live in... I will always work as hard as I can to make sure that your get everything you want, And I pray every night for the strength and wisdom to be a great man (not just a good man) for you ... I can say with absolute honesty and sincerity that there is really nothing in this life I won't do for you and our happiness.... I love you, its a dream come true for me.... I want to make a life for you that you can be proud of, and enjoy... I want to press everything I am and can be into service for our life together, and I want to give all that I am to you... nothing is better for me than you and nothing in this world gives me as much pleasure as you do...I know without any doubt in my mind or my soul that I have waited all my life for you.... I want you to be able to be happy and comfortable in the knowledge that my eyes see only you, and that the most precious and important place for me to be is in your arms....I want you to have fun, and live out your dreams.. I want to kiss your lips and make you feel like heaven..

All the things that you feel I will cherish and respect and protect... When we are old raisin people, you will still be the most beautiful woman in the world to me, and you get all the benefits of all my life energy... the words XXX, are truly the meaning of life to me now... and the powerful affection you give me, inspires me to the greatest achievements and heights of joy... The fun is just getting started... You are the greatest! finest, most exciting woman I have ever known, and when I hear myself say those words I know I am completely yours....

It really feels good Dear One... You have taught me the real meaning of things in this world, and you have restored my soul... Such great gifts you have given me, humble me to the core of my heart... I understand now the meaning of the word forever and I also understand the meaning of the words true love...

You know, I have had an interesting and I think cool life so far, but compared to what I feel today about you and our love, its the difference between seeing the world in Black and White, then all of a sudden now I see the Colors...

Thank You for everything, its like Christmas everyday, and honestly I never believed I could ever feel this way, but somehow your magnificient presense, changes everything...

I am yours

主楼 2008-06-08 02:29
哦哦 离线

级别: 北海市民


Dearest XXX

To me you are the perfect woman, beautiful , smart, thoughtful, loving, hot,sexy, amazingly hard working...

It actually Thrills me to be learning about all the wonderful things that you are... I want you to have everything in your heart and your mind and your soul to come alive for you, and be brought into this real world we live in... I will always work as hard as I can to make sure that your get everything you want, And I pray every night for the strength and wisdom to be a great man (not just a good man) for you ... I can say with absolute honesty and sincerity that there is really nothing in this life I won't do for you and our happiness.... I love you, its a dream come true for me.... I want to make a life for you that you can be proud of, and enjoy... I want to press everything I am and can be into service for our life together, and I want to give all that I am to you... nothing is better for me than you and nothing in this world gives me as much pleasure as you do...I know without any doubt in my mind or my soul that I have waited all my life for you.... I want you to be able to be happy and comfortable in the knowledge that my eyes see only you, and that the most precious and important place for me to be is in your arms....I want you to have fun, and live out your dreams.. I want to kiss your lips and make you feel like heaven..

All the things that you feel I will cherish and respect and protect... When we are old raisin people, you will still be the most beautiful woman in the world to me, and you get all the benefits of all my life energy... the words XXX, are truly the meaning of life to me now... and the powerful affection you give me, inspires me to the greatest achievements and heights of joy... The fun is just getting started... You are the greatest! finest, most exciting woman I have ever known, and when I hear myself say those words I know I am completely yours....

It really feels good Dear One... You have taught me the real meaning of things in this world, and you have restored my soul... Such great gifts you have given me, humble me to the core of my heart... I understand now the meaning of the word forever and I also understand the meaning of the words true love...

You know, I have had an interesting and I think cool life so far, but compared to what I feel today about you and our love, its the difference between seeing the world in Black and White, then all of a sudden now I see the Colors...

Thank You for everything, its like Christmas everyday, and honestly I never believed I could ever feel this way, but somehow your magnificient presense, changes everything...

I am yours

6楼 2008-07-31 17:10

级别: 刚到北海


if i am the man i will be very happy
5楼 2008-07-24 22:29
Monica0615 离线

级别: 北海通


I hope someone who send me a love letter like this ```
4楼 2008-06-15 20:42
FelixOng 离线

级别: 北海市民


Is this a love letter or a business proposal?
3楼 2008-06-10 12:02
sunbird 离线

级别: 北海土著



While lots of people profess loyality and forever love, actually meaning of love may change its flavor along time. To me this is a typical cross culture and cross generation "offer' letter rather than love one.

Put in your backbag Billy and maight need it in 10 years. I am kidding.
2楼 2008-06-10 10:27
hillbilly 离线

级别: 论坛版主


If only I viewthread this love letter ten years earlier
沙发 2008-06-09 22:48

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