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发表于: 2011-09-15 22:14 52586人阅读 3人回复 只看楼主 | 倒序阅读 | 精简版



麦克 离线

级别: 北海通


来自: 广西北海市
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1.冷菜Cold dishes
凉拌青瓜条  Cold-mixed Cucumber strips      12RMB/Dish
蚧子沙律 Crab roe salad                            38RMB/Dish
上海酱萝卜 Shanghai pickled Turnip                12RMB/Dish
沙姜浸鸡脚 Poached Chicken feet with sand ginger  18RMB/Dish
凉拌木耳  Cold-mixed fungus                  12RMB/Dish
韩国泡菜  Kimchi                                  12RMB/Dish
凉拌海蜇  Cold-mixed jellyfish skin           18RMB/Dish
凉拌老虎菜  Spicy salad                        12RMB/Dish
红油肚丝Shredded Pork Tripe in red oil             18RMB/Dish
油炸花生米 Deep-fried Peanuts                 12RMB/Dish 
山珍菇菌汤  Mushroom soup                      38RMB/person
石斛花旗参炖辽参  Sea cucumber double boiled ginseng and Chinese herb       78RMB/person
灵芝汁炖大连鲍 Dalian abalone double boiled in Ganodeerma lucidum juice     48RMB/person
金牌佛跳墙  Fotiaoqiang with one abalone slice     388RMB/person
益菌炖乳鸽  Baby pigeon double boiled with mushroom138RMB/Small dish
杏元炖水鱼  Turtle double boiled with almond and dry longan 168RMB/ Small dish
海龙海马炖水鸭  Teal double boiled with pipe fish    588RMB/Small
虫草花炖水鸭  Teal double boiled with aweto     138RMB/Small dish
冬虫草炖翅  Shark's fin double boiled with Cordyceps  888RMB/person 
堂灼东星斑 Scalded leopard coral grouper slice  时价Season price
三文鱼刺身Salmon sashimi                        98RMB/Small dish
冻鲜鲍鱼Frozen abalone                       时价Season price
龙虾刺身Lobster sashimi                         时价Season price
刺身大拼盘Sashimi combo                        268RMB/Small dish 
4.    位上 Per Person
  goose liver                                 88RMB/位person
堂煎牛仔骨   fried veal rib                         38RMB/位person
雪花牛肉   Marbled beef                           198RMB/位person
鳕鱼盏   Cod cubes in fruit cup                  58RMB/位person
新煮意   Steamed fresh scallop                  38RMB/位person
实烩鲍鱼   Braised abalone with fresh fox nut    38RMB/位person
汁扣百灵菇   Braised mushroom in abalone sauce      38RMB/位person
法式煎胸   Fried country duck breast French style    48RMB/位person
连鲍   Baked Dalian abalone                         38RMB/位person
肉大卷牛仔粒   Veal cube roll with shrimp and salted meat   48RMB/位person
露柱娃娃菜   Baby cabbage with whole conpoy             38RMB/位person 
5.小炒Hot Dishes
奇趣灵菇Mushroom with scallop                        88RMB/Small dish
香菌金瓜 Mushroom in pumpkin cup                      68RMB/Small dish
鲍菇炒檀香Mushroom with shrimp                  78RMB/Small
沙姜干葱焗鸡Baked chicken with dry shallot and sand ginger   58RMB/Small
金蒜黑椒炒雪花牛肉粒 Marbled beef with deep-fried garlic and black pepper 168RMB/Small
旦凉瓜皮Bitter gourd peel with poached egg              33RMB/Small
香煎Pan-fried cod                                    88RMB/Small
锦绣河山Abalone, shrimp and Kailan                        128RMB/Small
椰香煮四Stewed pumpkin, taro, gingko and lily bulb with coconut flavor   38RMB/Small
京葱香草鸡柳Chicken strips with leek and rosemary   58RMB/Small
私房手剁肉饼Steamed minced pork cutlet              38RMB/Small
锅仔金菇肥牛Marbled beef with mushroom in hot pot  48RMB/Small
鲜淮山炒木耳百合Fresh yam with fungus and lily bulb   33RMB/Small
鸡汤浸云耳    Poached fungus in chicken broth         33RMB/Small
金沙焗虾Baked shrimp in salted egg yolk              58RMB/Small
炒六合six vegetables                                   58RMB/Small
金不换炒鸡chicken with sweet basil                     58RMB/Small
碧绿金沙虾球Shelled shrimp in salted egg yolk with vegetable   68RMB/Small
椰香芋头金瓜煲Taro with coconut flavor in Pumpkin cup   38RMB/Small
盐焗猪肚Baked pork tripe in salt                    58RMB/Small
小炒烟肉 Bacon with green chili                       38RMB/Small
榄菜肉碎四季豆Green been with pork mince and olive paste   28RMB/Small
三宝南瓜Pumpkin with Pumpkin stalk and flower   48RMB/Small
孜然炒羊肉Lamb slices with cumin                      58RMB/Small
香煎马鲛鱼Pan-fried fresh mackerel                   38RMB/Small
韭黄炒沙虫Sand worm with chives                   时价Season price
萝卜炒泥丁Mud worm with turnip                    38RMB/Small
香煎鱿鱼筒Pan-fried squid                               48RMB/Small
脆炸沙虫Crispy deep-fried fresh sand worm   时价Season price
香麻鱿鱼丝Spicy shredded squid                       58RMB/Small
香煎红衫鱼   Pan-fried golden thread fish              18RMB/whole
浓汤杂菌煲Assorted mushroom pottage in clay pot   33RMB/Small
咸鱼茄子煲 Salted fish with eggplant in casserole     RMB/Small
铁板黑椒牛肉Sizzling beef with black pepper sauce   48RMB/Small
香煎一夜Pan-fried salted fish                       68RMB/Whole
虾酱蒸五花肉Steamed pork belly with shrimp sauce   38RMB/Small 
鲍鱼焖鸭Braised duck with abalone              198RMB/Small dish
鲍鱼焖鸡Braised chicken with abalone          198RMB/Small dish
花蟹鲍鱼焖鸡Braised chicken with spotted sea Crab and abalone   时价season price
生焖鳄鱼腩Braised crocodile belly               128RMB/Small dish
红焖鳄鱼掌Braised crocodile palm                 88RMB/Piece
红焖鳄鱼脚Braised crocodile foot                       128RMB/Piece
花蟹焖乳鸽Braised baby pigeon with spotted sea crab 时价Season price
海虾焖鸡Braised chicken with shrimp                   时价Season price
海虾焖白鳝Braised Eel with shrimp                        时价Season price
神户牛肉焖鸡Braised chicken with Japanese Kobe beef 198RMB/Small
XO酱爆鳄鱼肉Crocodile meat in XO sauce               68RMB/Small
锅仔胡椒鳄鱼杂Crocodile giblets with pepper in hot pot   68RMB/Small
堂灼极佳牛肉    Scalded beef slice                   38RMB/person
乳鸽焖雪花牛肉Braised baby pigeon with marbled beef  198RMB/Small 
7.辣菜Spicy Dishes
泡椒蒸鱼头Steamed fish head with preserved pepper  48RMB/Small dish
XO酱爆牛健Beef shank in XO sauce                   58RMB/Small
老干妈酱炒海虾Shrimp in hot sauce                 58RMB/Small dish
野山椒香芹炒肉丝Shredded pork with wild pepper and parsley   38RMB/Small
虎皮尖椒Bell pepper with tiger skin             28RMB/Small
酸辣土豆丝Hot and sour shredded potato          28RMB/Small
尖椒炒牛肉beef with bell pepper                 38RMB/Small
川味辣子鸡Spicy chicken cubes Sichuan style   58RMB/Small
剁椒蒸鱼嘴Steamed fish mouth with chopped pepper   68RMB/Small
水煮活鱼Fish slices in hot chili oil               时价Season price
水煮牛肉Beef slices in hot chili oil              48RMB/Small
嘴雪花牛肉Marbled Beef                 58RMB/Small 
8.烧卤Barbecued and Marinated Dishes
碳烧排骨Grilled spare ribs                       68RMB/Small dish
隔水蒸鸡Steamed chicken                    98RMB/whole
卤水拼盘Marinated meat combo                  68RMB/Small dish
 Roast goose                              68RMB/Small dish
烧味拼盘Barbecued meat combo                 68RMB/Small dish
卤水鹅掌Marinated goose foot web            28RMB/piece
澳门烧肉Roast pork Macau style                  58RMB/Small dish
蜜汁叉烧Roast pork in honey sauce             48RMB/Small dish 
9.鱼翅Shark’s fin
金汤翅Shark’s fin in golden soup                  488RMB/person
红烧翅Braised Shark's Fin                         488RMB/person
菜胆鸡炖翅Stewed shark's fin with chicken and mustard green   388RMB/person 
生煎大连鲍鱼Fried Dalian abalone
鲍汁扣海皇鲍鱼 Abalone in abalone sauce            380RMB/piece
碧绿扒鲍片Abalone slice with vegetable             380RMB/piece
鲍汁干捞大群翅Assorted shark’s fin in abalone sauce  RMB/person
南非干鲍South African dry abalone                480RMB/piece
原只木瓜炖雪蛤Stewed snow clam in whole papaya    58RMB/person
燕麦煮辽参半条Half sea cucumber with oats          98RMB/person
冰花炖雪蛤Stewed snow clam with rock candy    48RMB/person
蚝皇扣三宝Braised abalone ,mushroom and scallop in oyster sauce 98RMB/person
京葱海参煲 Sea Cucumber with leek in casserole  68RMB/Small dish
鲍汁辽参扣花胶Braised sea cucumber with fish maw in abalone sauce 268RMB/person

11.燕窝Bird's nest
彩虹血燕Rainbow bird's nest                         568元RMB/位person
新奇士橙炖官燕Braised bird’s nest with Sunkist orange
冰花炖官燕 Stewed bird’s nest with rock candy      438元RMB/位person
原只木瓜炖官燕Stewed bird's nest in whole Papaya  438元RMB/位person
红烧官燕Braised bird's nest                          438元RMB/位person
12.辽参 Sea Cucumber
小米烩辽参(半条/原条) Braised Sea Cucumber with millet ( Half/ Whole) 168元RMB/位person
鲍汁扣辽参 Braise sea cucumber in abalone sauce   168元RMB/条Whole
13.晨运蔬菜Seasonal Vegetable
时蔬烹饪食法:Seasonal Vegetable cooking method
生炒时蔬Stir-fried Seasonal vegetable             28元RMB/例Small dish
煲淋时蔬Seasonal Vegetable in clay pot               28元RMB/例Small
上汤时蔬Seasonal Vegetable in superior broth        26元RMB/例Small
白灼时蔬Scalded Seasonal vegetable                 26元RMB/例Small
盐水时蔬Braise Seasonal vegetable                     26元RMB/例Small
时蔬品种: Vegetable varieties
有机菜心 Organic choy sum
有机芥兰 Organic kailan
有机斗白 Organic milk pakchoi
14.主食 Staple food
海鲜汤伊面E-fu Noodle in seafood broth         38元RMB/例Small dish
干炒牛河Stir-fried flat rice noodle with beef slice   28元RMB/例Small
三丝炒面Fried E-Fu noodle with shredded pork         28元RMB/例Small
三丝炒米粉Fried rice noodle with shredded pork       28元RMB/例Small
XO酱虾仁嗜饭Fried rice with shrimp and XO sauce     58元RMB/例Small
菜心粒牛肉松炒饭Fried rice with beef floss and choy sum cube
干烧伊面Stir-fried E-Fu noodle                     38元RMB/例Small
五谷粗粮馒头Multi-grain steamed bun              36元RMB/打Dozen
甘笋汁流沙包Steamed egg custard bun with bamboo shoot juice  
香芋餐包Taro bread roll                         36元RMB/打Dozen
金枕榴莲酥Puff pastry with durian                     48元RMB/打Dozen
榴莲雪梅娘Sweet dumpling with durian and cream   48元RMB/打Dozen
食神炒饭Fried rice with egg and assorted vegetable cubes.
养颜酥蛋挞Egg tart                               36元RMB/打Dozen
15.南北美点 Snacks
白粥Plain congee                              18元RMB/例Small dish
白鳝鱼滚粥Eel congee                             时价Season price
花蟹海虾滚粥Spotted sea crab and shrimp congee  时价Season price
带子螺滚粥Scallop congee                        时价Season price
菜心粒滚粥Choy sum cube congee                 22元RMB/例Small dish
擂沙汤丸Sweet dumpling covered in peanut chips  36元RMB/打Dozen
法式餐包French bread roll                          48元RMB/打Dozen
香煎生肉包Pan-Fried meat bun                      36元RMB/打Dozen
香炸葱油饼Deep-Fried oily scallion pancake        36元RMB/打Dozen
煎焗韭菜饺Pan-Fried dumpling with Chinese chives  ¥36/打Dozen
16. 海鲜Seafood     
银仓鱼 Silver pomfret
Threeband sweetlips
Mangrove snapper
红鱼Red snapper
弹虾  Amntis shrimp
花蟹 Spotted sea crab
橡皮螺 Geoduck clam
鲍鱼Fresh Abalone
中明Banana prawn
桂花  Freshwater grouper
九仔沙  JiuZaiSha
海蛇  Sea snake
中花  Middle Dark brown-shelled shrimp
大花  Large Dark brown-shelled shrimp
  Middle Blue-tailed shrimp
  Large Blue-tailed shrimp
大麻  Large Small-sized shrimp
中麻  MiddleSmall-sized shrimp
子螺   Scallop
沙虫  Sand worm
香螺  Neptune cumingi
星斑Leopard coral trout
老虎斑Tiger spot fish
本地膏蟹Local Female green crab
外地膏蟹Foreign lands Female green crab
本地肉蟹Local Male green crab
外地肉蟹Foreign lands Male green crab
主楼 2011-09-15 22:14
hakka368 离线

级别: 北海新人


Good job, thank you for sharing us the translation of that Chinese menu. I think I have learned something from it.
沙发 2011-09-16 23:17
老K 离线

级别: 北海新人


well done。

银仓鱼 Silver pomfret,也可以叫butterfish
软唇鱼 Threeband sweetlips
红友鱼 Mangrove snapper,
红鱼Red snapper
弹虾  Amntis shrimp呵呵,Mantis shrimp
花蟹 Spotted sea crab,梭子蟹的一种,英文多表示为swimming crab,Blue Swimmer Crab更准确了。
橡皮螺 Geoduck clam,应该是象鼻螺,geoduck指的进口的那种大象鼻螺,本地产的小象鼻螺(大獭蛤)不可以叫geoduck,geoduck是印第安人词汇,geoduck多分布于加拿大。象鼻螺可以用soft-shell clam
鲍鱼Fresh Abalone
中明虾Banana prawn,banana prawn是墨吉对虾
桂花鱼  Freshwater grouper
九仔沙  JiuZaiSha应该是狗仔鲨吧?那就是Shark
海蛇  Sea snake
中花虾  Middle Dark brown-shelled shrimp花虾通常指日本对虾,英文是Kuruma shrimp,即车虾,日本人的叫法。叫striped prawn也可以。
大花虾  Large Dark brown-shelled shrimp
中蓝尾虾  Middle Blue-tailed shrimp,蓝尾虾应该是宽沟对虾,king prawn。
大蓝尾虾  Large Blue-tailed shrimp
大麻虾  Large Small-sized shrimp。麻虾是新对虾,Jinga shrimp
中麻虾  Middle Small-sized shrimp
带子螺   Scallop,如果指江珧,用scallop可以。实际上北海人所说的带子螺应该是日月贝吧Asia Moon Scallop 。另外,扇贝也是scallop
沙虫  Sand worm
香螺  Neptune cumingi,方斑东风螺Babylon shell
东星斑Leopard coral trout 仍是石斑鱼的一种,应是Miniatus grouper
老虎斑Tiger spot fish,还是石斑鱼,不过字典里查到是Blotchy rock cod,rock cod和cod(鳕鱼)不同。
本地膏蟹Local Female green crab,看来是直译青蟹而来,青蟹的英文其实是mud crab (female)
外地膏蟹Foreign lands Female green crab
本地肉蟹Local Male green crab,mud crab (male)
外地肉蟹Foreign lands Male green crab
2楼 2011-09-17 18:44
麦克 离线

级别: 北海通


3楼 2012-01-18 09:41

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