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Learning to SpEak better ENGLISH

发表于: 2010-05-24 13:14 2096人阅读 12人回复 只看楼主 | 倒序阅读 | 精简版



spammer 离线

级别: 刚到北海


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after doing an english corner or joining a class in a language school, where you really satisfied afterwards? or have you felt that you progress? thats a big question though i think. I have joined lots of english corner and it feels great to share some ideas to other people, you could hear different opinions from all walks of life, young to adult-beginers to advance learners. but at the end of the table you still could see some people who are just there smiling and listening, waiting...........the shy ones...maybe you are one of them. i do admit that i have felt that too, being shy to speak in front of so many people. the good thing is i manage to overcome my shyness and be more vocal about what is in my head. however, what stays in my mind are those people who are quiet, im sure they have the feeling of inferiority complex which is normal but should be remedied as soon as possible.

on the other hand, after joining school the question is were you satisfied too or did you progress? i dont know if you may agree with me but some have an issue about organization. what i mean is the level of english. we may have a classmate which is not of the same level as others and end up having a turtle like class. i just hope that would be addressed as soon as possible.

learning english takes time. you cant just learn english overnight. even foreigners themselves are learning it too considering the new language that is introduced every year and the millions of words (correct me if im wrong) in the dictionary. do you really expect for them to know all of the words (ill hang myself if they know). If you do want to learn english, you have to learn it by heart and maybe in your own way you could do something which is related to english, that is if you want to improve your level. go and study and have fun. english corners, language schools, are just some of the few, and better not to be shy because that is the one big block for your progress....go and learn..
主楼 2010-05-24 13:14
yangwang 离线

级别: 北海市民


沙发 2010-05-24 16:24
Sam1026 离线

级别: 北海新人


I don't agree with LZ any more. To master a language is not easy for some one whose mother tongue is not English. The only way to polish up English is practice! However, many people are on the wrong way to go for it. The way I see it, the self orientation is the key element for the English learners. What do I learn English for? ----Bussiness? Personal development? Study in some other countries? ...Then you need to think about the learning materials and methods. Find out the right textbook and the materials is not difficult as well in the book ocean. Last but not least, the strong will of execution will lead to final success! You can make it! Good luck to you all!
2楼 2010-05-24 16:44
yangwang 离线

级别: 北海市民


3楼 2010-05-24 22:03
fyh2010 离线

级别: 刚到北海


原帖由 spammer 于 2010-5-24 13:14 发表
after doing an english corner or joining a class in a language school, where you really satisfied afterwards? or have you felt that you progress? thats a big question though i think. I have joined lo ...

good points good english, indeed. thank you for sharing your experience with us.
4楼 2010-05-24 22:38
fyh2010 离线

级别: 刚到北海


原帖由 yangwang 于 2010-5-24 22:03 发表

hi guy,if you dont like it, shut your eyes,play blind and act dumb. just dont know why you are here. to be a critic?i dont think you are up to that.

i think we should thank those who would like to share their own experience with us.
5楼 2010-05-24 22:47
fyh2010 离线

级别: 刚到北海


原帖由 Sam1026 于 2010-5-24 16:44 发表 The only way to polish up English is practice! ...

agree with you at this point.
6楼 2010-05-24 22:49
梦里无痕 离线

级别: 北海土著


From my point of view, just use it,instead of studying it.
7楼 2010-05-31 21:59
spammer 离线

级别: 刚到北海


how in the world can you use it without studying it first......
8楼 2010-05-31 22:21
FelixOng 离线

级别: 北海市民


I think many people misunderstood the purpose of an English Corner. It is not a school, it is merely a venue where English enthusiasts gather to practise the language. (Although I would not discount the fact that there are a few who go there with ulterior motives. )

School is where you learn the language systematically and correctly. English Corners are social gatherings that simulate interactions amongst the participants in English in the real world (actually, IT IS the real world).

In school your English is tested on a paper (written). Occasionally, you are orally tested (but this mode of test is short and simple).

In English Corner, you are applying the language in real life. No one is testing you except yourself.

So, the best way to "learn" English in the English Corner is to listen and speak up. Of course, I am assuming that all participants in the gathering have learned the language in schools.
9楼 2010-06-01 12:24
hillbilly 离线

级别: 论坛版主


I do not have much to share when it comes to learning English but I would advise learners of English to devote more time to viewthreading articles in English and less time to viewthreading articles on English.
10楼 2010-06-01 22:00
silanshenwei 离线

级别: 禁止发言


11楼 2010-06-11 05:30
岂有此理 离线

级别: 北海新人


12楼 2010-06-17 02:54

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