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vicke_young 离线

级别: 北海市民


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Please bring it to me right now.
bring…to 把……带给

That sad news brought tears to his eyes. 那个不幸的消息使他流泪。
What shall I bring you back as a present? 我要带什么回来给你当礼物?
bring…back 把……带回

She brought up her five children. 她抚养五个孩子长大成人。
bring… up 抚养……长大

I came across him at the station.
come across… 碰见……

I come from China. 我来自中国。
come from… 来自……

The boy came near being drowned. 这个男孩差一点淹死。
come near verb+ing 几乎

My birthday will come round next Sunday. 我的生日将于下星期六来临。
come round 再度来临

It will come up for discussion at the meeting. 这将在会议中被提出来讨论。
come up 被提出来
(f) He did not come up to my expectation.
come up to… 符合……

This dress will do me quite well.
do…well 适合……

Did the medicine do you any good? 这药对你有用吗?
do… good 有益于……

He did the English passage into Chinese. 他把这篇英文翻译成中文。
do… into… 把……译成……

She did the roll wonderfully well. 她把这个角色演得非常出色。
do… 扮演……??

I have nothing to do with him. 我跟他毫无关系。
have nothing to do with… 与……毫无关系

You are always finding fault with me.
find fault with… 挑剔……的毛病

I found him working at his desk. 我发现他正在座位上工作。
How do you find yourself this morning? 你今天早上觉得怎样?
find oneself 觉得

At last, I could find out my lost ball. 我终于找到了掉的球。
find out… 找到……

意外收获:find it + adj. to do sth. 如:I find it difficult to make our choice. 我发现很难作决定。
Can you get me a copy of that book?
When will this plane get to Beijing? 这班飞机什么时候抵达北京?
get to… 到达……

I’m getting better day by day. 我一天一天好转。
be getting +比较级 越来越……

Shall I get Mr. White on the phone? 要我找怀特先生来接电话吗?
How is he getting along with his work? 他的工作进展如何?
get along with… 取得……的进展

How much did you give for this stereo?
You have given me your cold. 你把感冒传染给我了。
The government gave in to the demand of the people. 政府对人民的要求作出了让步。
give in to… 对……让步

He gave up smoking. 他戒烟了。
give up… 戒除……

He gave himself up to pleasure. 他沉溺于享乐。
give oneself up to… 专注于……

意外收获:give it a try 相当于 have a try to do sth. 尝试一下作某事。

I went to school.
He went mad. 他发疯了。
go mad 发疯

For a time my father went in for golf. 有一段时间我父亲迷上了打高尔夫球。
go in for… 爱好……

She never goes against her husband’s wishes. 她从未违背她丈夫的意愿。
go against… 违背……

I had to go through with it as my duty. 我必须视之为责任并完成它。
go through with… 完成……

Will you have another cup of tea?
We had fine weather yesterday. 昨天的天气很好。
I had a decayed tooth out. 我拔掉了一颗蛀牙。
have sth. out 把某物弄出来

更多信息,请点击Vicke Young博客
主楼 2009-12-15 14:19
vicke_young 离线

级别: 北海市民


You must keep it in mind.
keep… in mind 记住……

He kept laughing for half an hour. 他不停地笑了半个小时。
keep verb+ing 持续做某事

Keep away from a bad cold. 不要染上重感冒。
keep away from… 避开……

He kept from talking. 他避不说话。
keep from… 避免……

I tried hard to keep up with the class. 我拼命追赶班上的同学。
keep up with… 跟上……

He left Taiwan for Beijing.
leave… for… 离开某地前往某地

Leave the matter to me. 这件事交我吧。
leave… to… 把……留给……

Leave me alone, please. 请不要管我。
leave… alone 不管,不理会

The old man was left behind in the mountains. 这位老人被遗弃在山中。
leave… behind 把……留下

Let me have a look at the picture.
have a look at… 瞧瞧……

Let’s go for a walk after breakfast. 早饭后我们去散散步吧。
go for a walk 散步

Well, let me see. 哦,让我想想。
Let them alone. 不要管他们。
let… alone =leave… alone

It looks like rain.
look like… 看起来像……

Who is looking after your children while you are away? 你外出时,谁照顾你的孩子?
look after… 照顾……

I often look back upon the happy old days. 我经常回忆以前的快乐时光。
look back upon… 回忆……

She looks down upon the poor. 她看不起穷人。
look down upon… 轻视……

He is looking for the missing baggage. 他正在找丢失的行李。
look for… 寻找……

意外收获:look 在口语中除了作为动词使用,它还是一个常用的语气词,没有实意,只起到引导或连接作用,如:Look, I really must go now.
Look, there is no need for you to hang around here.

What made me do that? 是什么使我这么做的呢?
make+动词原形 使某人做……

She makes faces in the mirror. 她对着镜子扮鬼脸。
make faces 扮鬼脸

Wine is made from grapes. 葡萄酒是用葡萄酿成的。
be made from… 由……制成的

We must make up for the loss. 我们必须弥补这个损失。
make up for… 弥补……

I could not make up my mind about which to choose. 我无法决定该选哪个。
make up one’s mind 决心,决定

意外收获:I will make it. 我会成功的(我会做到的)。
A: I hope we’re not late.
B: What time is it?
A: Let me see. Twenty-five after two.
B: Then we’ll just make it.(那么我们刚好赶得上) It doesn’t start until half-past two.

make 具有创造的意思,它的应用非常广泛:
I’m pleased to make your acquaintance. 认识你真高兴(初次见面的客套语)。
I make my living selling cars. 我以销售汽车为生。
I’d like to make good use of my secretarial skills. 我想充分利用我的秘书专长。
That makes sense. 有道理。

He put his hand on my shoulder. 他把手放在我肩上。
The rumor’s being put about that she was secretly married. 传闻她已经秘密结婚了。
put about 散布(谣言,想法等)

I’m not putting my meaning across very well. 我没表达清楚我的意思。
put across 解释,表达

The young lovers have been trying to put some money aside for their marriage ceremony. 年青的恋人一直努力存钱以备举行婚礼时用。
put aside 储蓄;节省(金钱,时间等)

He put on this coat. 他穿上外套。
put on… 穿(戴)上……

He put out the fire. 他把火熄灭了。
put out… 熄灭掉……

His uncle put us up for the night. 他的叔叔让我们留宿。
put up for the night? 投宿

I can no longer put up with this inconvenience. 我再也无法忍受不方便。
put up with… 忍受……

My mother took me to the zoo. 母亲带我去动物园。
I want to take an airplane at 8:30 a.m. 我想搭8:30分的飞机。
I’ll take a cup of coffee. 我要喝一杯咖啡。
It takes about ten minutes to walk to the department store. 走到百货公司约要花十分钟。
We must take an examination. 我们必须接受一项考试。
You need not take off your coat. 你不必把外套脱掉。
take off 脱掉

The new company will take over the old one. 新的公司将接收旧的。
take over… 接受……

沙发 2009-12-15 14:22

级别: 北海通


2楼 2009-12-26 12:24
弘潮 离线

级别: 北海市民


well done
3楼 2010-01-27 13:37

级别: 北海市民


4楼 2010-03-15 15:29
kadoublen 离线

级别: 北海新人


5楼 2010-03-23 14:56

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