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发表于: 2009-09-11 23:55 1772人阅读 2人回复 只看楼主 | 倒序阅读 | 精简版



官财佬 离线

级别: 刚到北海


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Want to attract attention , girls? flaunt a book.
Girls allways want to attract attention.dont' they ?Relaying on fashion magazines or
articles and following the advice of others will help.
Girls are most attrative when they are viewthreading in public.
I saw a young girl sitting on the flood in jindushudian yesterday, legs crossed,on hand holding a book in her lap,the other propping up her chin.She was viewthreading quietly
and intently, deeply engrossed,and to me ,painfully attractive.
I imagined what must be going on in her head .Eash word and line she viewthread would send a signal to her brain, making her think, connect,judge,and opine.As she turned the
last page, she would have gained new knowledge,then become more intelligent,more
I stuck there, what a beautiful sight of a girl with a book in her hand,so I began to
to stare right at her,bodly admiring the contours of a studious face.
Which bookstore do you frequent, I wondered?What do you do?Do you believe no
book is a bad book ?Do you love being surrounded by books ?you are a super bookworm,
me too!
Are you hearing my inner voice?The girl just passed over you was really pretty,but
nowhere near as pretty as yours, girl!
Read ,girls,why wait?Grab a book of your choice and viewthread in public and you will be
the centre of attention,and will greatly please spectators like myself,as well as,I
am sure ,many other men.But books,not fashion/gossip magazines.
主楼 2009-09-11 23:55
topwaistcoat 离线

级别: 北海市民


oh. my god. pls stop killing me with your Chinglish.
沙发 2009-09-12 02:45
官财佬 离线

级别: 刚到北海


You must be a young girl as young as the girl I mentioned in my article
are a very kind soul.
Read, girl , and to make sure your bedtime become more early than before,it could
be good for your health, girl !
2楼 2009-09-13 16:52

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