
Tell you the secret!

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Hi English learners,

I am not hiding any secrets from you.

If you have an internet connection with a computer, you should really make use of the following
when you are writing in English or viewthreading it.

Free online dictionary and thesaurus:-
You can also listen to the pronunciation as well? Much faster than opening up your own paper

If you are using MSN, add to your contact list the following account:-

Click on this contact, input either Chinese or English. You will receive an answer in the other
language. It is anautomatic translation software. However, use with special care as machine
translation is not that reliable after all.

Today, I was surfing in cyberspace and bumped into a site. I always tell EL's (short for English
learners) that they should stop looking into China English language learning sites.? Instead, they
should check out blogs maintained by westerners and western sites for English knowledge. This
is the only way to pick up the English sense. Otherwise, you are in the army of Chinglish
speakers for life.

So, in fact, this is the first such attempt by myself to start off this preaching of mine.

Some of you may find this quite objectionable in the sense that it covers some sex questions.
Unless you are a really locked-up student, you are actually experiencing these alviewthready or if not,
very soon. What is the embarrassment talking about it? Especially you folks don't see each
other's face online. Ah, don't tell me that you are alviewthready seeing each offline!!!

Prepared by Qlaoshi Martin ( )
邱老师外语工作室 深圳 福田区 0755-81315711? 13760379463
Date: 2006-03-17 (Friday)

What I captured from the blog is shown hereunder and the more difficult vocabulary actually
has got the meaning in English for your convenience.

Cocktails ...

They're just not getting enough respect these days ... and no, I'm not talking about your
chardonnay, your Pia Colada, your rum and Coke (but then, who would want to talk about rum
and Coke, let alone drink it).

I'm talking cocktails: Adventure! Debauchery! Drunken abandon!

You know, that movie star thing - back in the day when movie stars were glamorous,
dashing and dignified, seductive and stately -before the Keanu and Winona wannabes took over
the world. Back when acting meant style,and style meant swank.



Dear Alli-chan,

Why are sex and sex-related topics so prevalent in our society? There are so many other
activities that I find at least as enjoyable as sex. Generally, sex prior to marriage does no good
for a relation-ship. Is it because I haven't met the right person yet, or am I just loony? IMHO,
sex for the most part has brought nogood to humanity as a whole. I think we all should have
test-tubebabies. Don't you agree?

J. Hall

Hon, no. I don't agree. And, yes, you're loony. Not only is sex fun, it sells (and it does
pretty well for itself). It is the nature of all animals to propagate their species, and as you can
see from population totals, humans are consistently making a pretty grand time of it. On the
other hand, there is the unfortunate population control aspect - i.e. certain diseases of
modern times. And furthermore, in the words of someone who waited until after the wedding
bells, "Hmmm. I guess it might have been a good idea to see what I was gettin' stuck with."

Dear Allison,

I want to lead a regular professional life, but Ialso want to start a hacker revolution,
overthrow the government, and rule the planet. What should I do? Why do I have these
conflicting thoughts? You might want to help yourself by helping me with thisproblem. By

the way, ever wondered what it would be like to be a Princess?


I have always wanted to be a princess, so I've thought about what it would be like quite
extensively. However, the real meat of your question lies elsewhere. I can't tell you why you
have conflicting thoughts, but I can say, you won't be able to rule the planet if you lead any
kind of "regular" life. The ordinary men aren't the ones running the revolution, sweetie. And
behind every extraordinary man, lies an even more extraordinary woman. Get one to be your
princess, andyour kingdom won't be far behind.

Dear Allison,

In response to the "guys hanging out" questionearlier: In my personal, humble opinion, guys
like meeting many people and having a fun chat time. Much like women's tea time, where
stories get told that wouldn't anywhere else ...
Guys do that in a bar (along winking [sic] at other girls), because at home it gets really soon
quite boring ... most women cling too hard ... and therefore nag.

Me, I'm choosing to stay single

First of all, pal, let's get a few things straight. Not all women sit around sedately drinking tea, some
of us actually have (and are) a lot of fun, even at home. (Especially at home on occasion ... if you
know what I mean.) Second, in my vast experience I've found that the men who get nagged tend

to deserve it. Third, You didn't even ask a question here, so get outtamy face. (See up there where

it says "ask?" It doesn't say "tell,"now, does it? No.)
And finally, you may think you're "choosing" to stay single, but baby, it looks like you got a long way to

go before you even have a choice.


Dear Allison,

I'm stuck at a BBS-site that runs Major TCP/IP forgiving me a SLIP connection. However, it
isn't able to give us an FTP site so that my friends can get files from here, and doesn't have a
POPmail server either, so I can't send binary files or encrypted textto my buddies. I've designed
a Win help file that has a story my friend and I wrote together and I want to send it to him,
but none ofthe FTP sites seem to let me upload it to their incoming file folders. Even yours .

Unless I put up some extra dough for a realSLIP connection from a service provider, I seem to
be really stuck. Any advice you can give me would be greatly appreciated! Regards to you, yours,
and the whole Wired crew.

Mark D.Simmonds (


Like I care. Put up the extra dough, get a real SLIPconnection ... and while you're at it, why
don't you see if you can get a life?


Dear Allison,

What do you think is the best pick-up line, or approach?
Dazed and Confused

Dear Dazed and Confused,

Is this is the 400th question you've asked, or does everyone and their brother think it's the
cutest sig in town? Either way, my personal approach is a secret, but, I will tell you what I like
best when it comes to being picked up: direct, smooth, and with a smile. (Keep in mind
smoothness can't be learned - you just are or you aren't.) And remember, if you have to ask,
the answer is no. So don't waste your time talking! Just GO!

Go answer the questions Allison didn't.


Some more difficult words I have done the work for you in copying out from the meaning of them for your convenience.

Definition of FLOOZY
[n] a prostitute who attracts customers by walking the streets.
streetwalker street_girl hooker hustler floozie slattern
Related terms
Related derivation hustle
Type of prostitute

de·bauch·er·y Pronunciation (d-b?ch-r)
n. pl. de·bauch·er·ies
a. Extreme indulgence in sensual pleasures; dissipation.
b. debaucheries Orgies.
2. Archaic Seduction from morality, allegiance, or duty.

dis·si·pa·tion Pronunciation (ds-pshn)
1. The act of dissipating or the condition of having been dissipated.
2. Wasteful expenditure or consumption.
3. Dissolute indulgence in sensual pleasure; intemperance.
4. An amusement; a diversion.

or·gy Pronunciation (rj)
n. pl. or·gies
1. A revel involving unrestrained indulgence, especially sexual activity.
2. Uncontrolled or immoderate indulgence in an activity: an orgy of spending. See Synonyms at
3. A secret rite in the cults of ancient Greek or Roman deities, typically involving frenzied
singing, dancing, drinking, and sexual activity.

[ 本帖最后由 mdoinit 于 2006-3-18 21:44 编辑 ]
主楼 2006-03-18 21:40

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